How Odisha is leveraging technology to ensure food security
In the Union 2022-23 budget, the government has focused on creating digital ecosystems for agriculture. Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman announced that the government would promote the use of ‘Drone Drones’ for activities such as plant assessment, digitizing land records, spraying insecticides, and nutrients. This tends to drive a wave of technology in agriculture, he said. In the agricultural sector, this is one of the major developments announced by the government lately. In his budget speech, FM Sitharaman also said the government would launch a scheme for delivering digital services and hi-tech to farmers. This will bind the research institution and public sector extension along with personal agricultural players and stakeholders from the Agri value chain. For this purpose, the government will also form funds to finance startup for agriculture and rural companies, which are relevant for agricultural value chains, through nabard, he said.
Use of modern technology such as cellphones, remote sensing, drones, artificial intelligence, etc. In the assessment of crop yields, plant losses and estimates of output will ensure better agricultural practices, then more praise production, according to experts. Along with increasing productivity, the use of digital services and hi-tech will help farmers cut costs, find new markets and maintain their competitiveness in the global market.
Some states have used technology on agriculture and agriculture. Odisha is a pioneer. This has automated the procurement process in the state to ensure the benefits of MSP. The Odisha government has created a database of 14.93 lakh farmers with a verified area of 51.97 lakh hectares. With the help of satellite imaging and cadastral mapping from rice fields and GPS, the state government has cleared all the differences in the field. Also, he has integrated the farmer registry with the basis of state land notes. This has helped all government policies reach farmers.
From the food deficit state to a surplus one, Odisha has come a long way. The country is now the fourth largest contributor to the National Paddy Pool. The government has implemented a technology solution called ‘Analytics Plants’ in 29 districts where he held Paddy directly from farmers. The program first combines data on plant mapping, monitoring and surveys, and then using plant analysis, it visualizes and analyzes the data captured during the agricultural season for patterns of results, registration anomalies, plant patterns and procurement predictions. It has brought transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain and helps ensure that the food allocated reaches the recipient targeted without a leak. “Our plant analysis solutions are built on digital ecosystems that we have made for Odisha agricultural landscapes. Plant analysis, merging technology such as satellite & processing imaging, analytics and visualization, only bets of farmers’ rights to streamline plants, improve results and utilize the benefits of that intervention Led by the government. The solution is beneficial for the government too, “said Manoj Mishra, Secretary (Electronic & Ti) and Science & Technology, Odisha Government.
The Odisha government has implemented the National Food Security Law in November 2015. This law provides legal rights for existing food security programs such as the Public Distribution System, midday eating schemes and integrated child development schemes. Using automation at a fair price store, Odisha has brought a massive increase in the number of transvestitment transactions. Now, almost all beneficiaries receive benefits due to leakage and manipulation. To further strengthen the food security system, the state government also uses technology that appears such as blockchain, advanced analytics and company resource planning. Through warehouse scientific management / inventory, he has examined the transfer and waste.
In the future, the Government of Naveen Patnaik in Odisha is committed to advancing its food security system. According to the UN definition, food security means everyone, every time, has physical, social and economic access to enough, safe, and nutritious food that meets food preferences and dietary needs for active and healthy life. The state government said it would increase its focus on digital authentication beneficiaries, optimizing transportation costs and expansion in the registered farmer network. “Odisha has become one of the pioneers in utilizing technology to improve governance and service quality for stakeholders. Plant analytics are solutions led by futuristic technology that promises to accelerate agriculture 4.0 and lead to policy interventions driven by results”, said Mishra.
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